Hijama ( cupping Therapy) process rids us of acidic, toxic waste which accumulates in our bodies as we age. sources of toxic waste include the polluted air we breath, toxic chemicals found in our food through poor feed fed to the livestock, hormones injected into the cattle to increase milk, insecticides, pesticides, water, other drinks, household chemicals and toiletries, environmental waste in our neighborhood, cigarette smoke, alcohol, drugs, and junk food, our waste products of body metabolism, product s of medicinal drugs, the impact of trauma and accidents on our body, and toxins from mental stress, anger, anxiety, and depression.

This buildup of toxic waste which results in stagnated or congested blood blocks the flow of blood in the blood capillaries which deliver essential oxygen, nutrients, water, mineral electrolyte, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and immune system cells, and antibodies to our cells, tissues, and organs. Furthermore, the blockage also prevents the removal of carbon dioxide, metabolic waste products, and toxic substances which are excreted through our urine, lungs, and skin.
Hijama is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of many diseases by disburdening our body of congealed, stagnated, acidic and toxic blockages. Once this is removed, the blockages in the blood vessels are cleared and this promotes blood circulation. We all know that fatal diseases like heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and cancer are all directly linked to poor blood circulation. 80% of common diseases can be cured with about an 80% success rate.
Accumulation of the toxic blockages only increases with age and causes our cells, tissues, and organs to weaken, become inflamed swell, feel pain get numb and function at lower efficiency, at times they get cancerous and at times fail.
The human body has a limited ability to clean its blood. Hijama can perform this essential function and bring relief and cure symptoms of chronic aches and pain, weakness, fatigue, organ malfunction, and premature aging.
Hijama affects the tissues causing them to release toxins, it activates the lymphatic system, clears colon blockages, cleans up the veins, arteries, and capillaries, and activates the skin, it also regulates and improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system among its numerous other benefits.
Locally, the most obvious benefit of hijama is relief from pain and a feeling of relaxation. If cupping is applied to the joints the blood flow to the joint is increased and consequently there, s an increased secretion of synovial fluid into the joint cavity.

Hijama also affects the digestive system positively by increasing digestive secretion and enhancing peristaltic movement. it strengthens the stomach and helps digestion, improves the bile flow and metabolism, relieves constipation, and promotes regularity of the bowels.
Therefore the key to good health is to remove carbon dioxide, heavy metals, acid, and toxic and metabolic waste from our body cells through hijama and to ensure that each of the estimated 20 trillion cells in our body receives, through blood circulation, a continuous supply of nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, enzymes, and hormones so that the body can produce energy, fight off infection, sustain health and reproduce itself.
By the time you reach your 50, s it is common for most people to have chronic diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes & arthritis. So whether you are suffering from an ailment or you wish to prevent illness, Hijama is your best answer.